Enric Florit Zacarías

I studied Mathematics and Computer Engineering at Universitat de Barcelona (2014 - 2020). I did my Master's degree in Advanced Mathematics at Universitat de Barcelona, which I finished in July 2021. During my master's degree I had support from a Màster+UB scholarship at IMUB. I started my PhD at UB in October 2021, funded by an FPU2020 grant from the Spanish Ministry of Universities.

I am currently working on abelian varieties of GL(4)-type and their conjectural connection to Siegel paramodular forms.

Here you will find a growing (and at times, incomplete) list of my projects. You will also find some slides for talks I have given. This website is updated once every few months, mostly when I have some new material to share.

My email address is: enricflorit at ub dot edu.

Some links:

Publications and preprints


Other writing


I have been involved with the following seminars and study groups: